What Does Your Tween or Teen Really Need?

When it comes to tweens and teens, I want you to imagine your tween or teen's emotional needs the same way you would think of being hungry. We all get hungry and need a variety of foods for our sustenance, welling-being, and health. 

Similarly, we have emotional hungers that need to be met in order to be emotionally healthy and thrive. 

The truth… Our kids are starving today – not only for food (we know how hungry teenagers can be) but also emotionally. 

And how can we provide each of our kids with more of what they need? Studies have been done that have shown that meeting our kids' emotional needs determines their success and happiness in life more than IQ and even more than getting good grades.  

Find out what your tween or teen really needs and simple things that you can do to meet their needs to set them up for success in the ways that truly matter in life.

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What Your Tween or Teen Needs To Build a Healthy RelationshipIn Rerum Aperiam Quibusdam$5
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